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2022-07-20 16:00:00   ×÷ÕߣºÃÀÇå



¡¡¡¡1) However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names²»ÂÛÄãµÄÉú»îÈçºÎ±°Î¢£¬Ä㶼ҪÃæ¶ÔËüÉú»î£¬²»Òª¶ã±ÜËü£¬¸ü±ðÓöñÑÔÖäÂîËü¡£

¡¡¡¡2) Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fallÎÒÃÇ×îÖµµÃ×ÔºÀµÄ²»ÔÚÓÚ´Ó²»µøµ¹£¬¶øÔÚÓÚÿ´Îµøµ¹Ö®ºó¶¼ÅÀÆðÀ´¡£

¡¡¡¡3) Don't try so hard, the best things often come when you leaset expect them to²»ÒªÌ«¿ÌÒâÈ¥×·Çó£¬×îÃÀºÃµÄÊÂÇéÍùÍùÔÚÄã×î²»¾­ÒâµÄʱºò³öÏÖ¡£

¡¡¡¡4) Whether happiness and sorrow in life would finally become memories,why not face them with smileÒ»ÉúÖÐÎÞÂÛ¿ìÀÖÓ뱯ÉË£¬µ½×îºó¶¼½«³ÉΪ»ØÒ䣬²»·Áѧ×ÅһЦÖÃÖ®µÄÐØ»³¡£

¡¡¡¡5) Be happy Be yourself If others don’t like it, then let them be Happiness is a choice Life isn’t pleasing everybody¿ªÐĵ㣬×öÄã×Ô¼º¡£Èç¹ûÓÐÈ˲»Ï²»¶ÄãÕâÑù£¬ÈÃËüÈ¥°É!ÐÒ¸£ÊÇÖÖÑ¡Ôñ£¬Éú»î²»ÊÇΪÁËÌÖÿ¸öÈ˵Ļ¶ÐÄ¡£

¡¡¡¡6) When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smileµ±Éú»î¸øÄãÒ»°Ù¸öÀíÓÉ¿ÞÆüʱ£¬Äã¾ÍÄóöһǧ¸öÀíÓÉЦ¸øËü¿´¡£

¡¡¡¡7) If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your pathΪ±ðÈ˵ãÒ»±KµÆ£¬ÕÕÁÁ±ðÈË£¬Ò²ÕÕÁÁÁË×Ô¼º¡£

¡¡¡¡8) Whatever you do in life, remember: Think higher and feel deeper. It cannot be bad if you do thatÎÞÂÛÄãÉú»îÖÐ×öÈκÎÊÂÇ飬¼Çס£ºÒªÏëµÃ¸üÔ¶£¬¿¼ÂǵøüÉî¡£Èç¹ûÄãÕâÑù×öÊǾø¶Ô²»»áÓлµ´¦µÄ¡£

¡¡¡¡9) It is often said that time changes things, but you actually have to change them on your ownÈËÃÇ×Ü˵ʱ¼ä»á¸Ä±äÒ»ÇУ¬µ«ÊÇʵ¼ÊÉÏÄãÐèÒª×Ô¼ºÅ¬Á¦È¥¸Ä±ä¡£

¡¡¡¡10) Give up worrying about what others think of you What they think isn’t important What is important is how you feel about yourself²»ÒªÎª±ðÈËÔõô¿´Äã¶ø·³ÄÕ¡£±ðÈ˵Ŀ´·¨²¢²»ÖØÒª£¬ÖØÒªµÄÊÇÄãÔõô¿´´ýÄã×Ô¼º¡£

¡¡¡¡11) You must create and look for opportunities Opportunities rarely ever come knocking on the door of someone who’s not seeking them»ú»áÒª¿¿×Ô¼ºÈ¥´´ÔìÕÒÑ°¡£»ú»á²»»áÈ¥ÇÃÄÇЩÕÒ¶¼²»È¥ÕÒËüµÄÄÇЩÈ˵ÄÃÅ¡£

¡¡¡¡12) If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of viewÈç¹ûÄã¾õµÃÐÄÓÐÓàÁ¦²»×㣬¾õµÃȱ·¦Ç°½øµÄ¶¯Á¦£¬ÓÐʱºòÄãÖ»ÐèÒª¸Ä±ä˼άµÄ½Ç¶È¡£

¡¡¡¡13) No man was ever so completely skilled in the conduct of life as not to receive new information from age and experienceÔÚÉú»îÖÐûÓÐÈËÒ»Ö±ÄܶÔʲô¶¼Ó¦¸¶×ÔÈ磬³ý·ÇËû²»¶Ï´ÓÄêÁäºÍ¾­ÀúÖÐÎüȡ֪ʶ¡£

¡¡¡¡14) Don’t waste your energy dwelling on anger, resentment or disappointment It only keeps you stuck in the past and holds you back from moving forward in your life±ð°Ñ×Ô¼ºµÄ¾«Á¦ÀË·ÑÔÚ¾À½á·ßºÞºÍʧÍûÉÏ£¬ÕâЩֻ»áÈÃÄã³ÁäϹýÈ¥£¬Í£ÖͲ»Ç°¡£

¡¡¡¡15)In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us°ïÖú±ðÈ˾͵ÈÓÚ°ïÖúÁË×Ô¼º£¬ÒòΪÎÒÃÇËù×öµÄÉÆÐÐÖÕ»á»ØÀ¡µ½ÎÒÃÇ×Ô¼ºÉíÉÏ¡£


¡¡¡¡1) Life needs gratefullness Gratefulness is not only confined to love,but also to friendship, family bonds, mutual cherishing as well as constant missing each otherÉú»îÊÇÐèÒª¸Ð¶¯µÄ£¬ÕâÑùµÄ¸Ð¶¯²»½ö½öÊÇ°®Ç飬¸üÀ´×ÔÓÚÓÑÇ飬À´×ÔÇ×Ç飬À´×Ա˴˹ذ®ºÍʱʱ¿Ì¿ÌµÄÇ£¹Ò¡£

¡¡¡¡2) You sometimes do things that are permanently foolish just because we are temporarily upset A lot of heartache can be avoided if youlearn to control your emotionsÓÐʱºòÄã»áÒòÔÝʱµÄÐÄ·³ÒâÂÒ¶ø¸É³öÓÀ¾ÃÐÔɵÊ¡£Èç¹ûÄãѧ»á¿ØÖÆÇéÐ÷£¬Ðí¶àÉËÐÄ֮ʹ¾Í¿ÉÒÔ±ÜÃâ¡£

¡¡¡¡3) No one can go with you for a lifetime, so you have to adjust yourself to be alone; no one will help you again and again, so you have to fight all the timeûÓÐÈËÅãÄã×ßÒ»±²×Ó£¬ËùÒÔÄãÒªÊÊÓ¦¹Â¶À;ûÓÐÈË»á°ïÄãÒ»±²×Ó£¬ËùÒÔÄãÒªÒ»Ö±·Ü¶·¡£

¡¡¡¡4) It only takes a few seconds to hurt someone, but sometimes it takes a few years, to repair the damageÉ˺¦Ò»¸öÈËÖ»ÐèÒª¼¸ÃëÖÓ£¬¶øÐÞ²¹ÕâÑùµÄÉ˺¦ÓÐʱºòÔòÐèÒªºÃ¼¸Äê¡£

¡¡¡¡5) For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; and for everything you gain, you lose something else It is about your outlook towards your life You can either regret or rejoiceÓÐʧ±ØÓеã¬ÓеñØÓÐʧ¡£Äã¿ÉÒÔÒźޣ¬Ò²¿ÉÒÔÐÀÈ»£¬Ò»Çж¼¾ö¶¨ÓÚÄã¶ÔÉú»îµÄ̬¶È¡£

¡¡¡¡6) In all one's lifetime it is oneself that one spends the most time being with or dealing with But it is precisely oneself that one has the least understanding ofÈËÉúÔÚÊÀ£¬ºÍ“×Ô¼º”Ïà´¦×î¶à£¬´ò½»µÀ×î¶à£¬µ«ÊÇÍùÍùÎò²»Í¸“×Ô¼º”¡£

¡¡¡¡7) Bad temper is its own scourge Few things are bitterer than to feelbitter A man's venom poisons himself more than his victim»µÆ¢Æø»á×Ô¼ºõåõï×Ô¼º£¬ÒòΪ×î¿àµÄÊÂÇéĪ¹ýÓڸе½Í´¿à¡£È˵ÄÔ¹ºÞÉ˺¦×Ô¼º±ÈÉ˺¦ËùºÞµÄÈ˸üÖØ¡£

¡¡¡¡8) Pursuing too many things means giving yourself unnecessary pressure don’t let your ambition stop you from enjoying your life×·ÇóÌ«¶à»á¸ø×Ô¼º´øÀ´²»±ØÒªµÄѹÁ¦¡£±ðÈñ§¸º×èÖ¹×Ô¼ºÏíÊÜÉú»î¡£

¡¡¡¡9) Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than loss itself and making a bigger mistake than mistake itself,so never regretºó»ÚÊÇÒ»ÖֺķѾ«Á¦µÄÇéÐ÷£¬Ôì³ÉµÄËðʧ±ÈËðʧ±¾Éí¸ü´ó£¬·¸µÄ´íÎó±È´íÎó±¾Éí¸ü´ó£¬Òò´ËÍòʲ»Òªºó»Ú¡£

¡¡¡¡10) Complaining is like slapping yourself for slapping yourself It doesn’t solve the problem, it just hurts you more±§Ô¹¾ÍÏñÊÇΪ×Ô¼º³éÁË×Ô¼ºÒ»¶ú¹â¶øÔÙ³é×Ô¼ºÒ»¶ú¹â¡£±§Ô¹ÍêÈ«²»Äܽâ¾öÎÊÌ⣬ֻ»áÈÃÄã¸üÊÜÉË¡£

¡¡¡¡11) In the journey of life, the worst plight is not poverty or misfortune,but the mental state of being unconsciously tiredÔÚÈËÉúÂÃ;ÖУ¬×îÔã¸âµÄ¾³ÓöÍùÍù²»ÊÇƶÀ§£¬²»ÊǶòÔË£¬¶øÊǾ«ÉñºÍÐľ³´¦ÓÚÒ»ÖÖÎÞÖªÎÞ¾õµÄÆ£±¹×´Ì¬¡£

¡¡¡¡12) A great life is the result of creating priorities It’s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention,instead of intentionally using the time, energy and money you have in a way that’s important to you·ÖÇåÇáÖØ»º¼±£¬Éú»î²Å»á¾«²Ê¡£Ë沨ÖðÁ÷»ìÈÕ×ÓºÜÈÝÒ×£¬¶øÓÐÄ¿µÄµØ°Ñʱ¼ä¾«Á¦ºÍ½ðÇ®Óõ½ÖØÒªµÄµØ·½È´ºÜÄÑ¡£

¡¡¡¡13) If you would go up high, then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people's backs and headsÈç¹ûÄãÏë×ßµ½¸ß´¦£¬¾ÍҪʹÓÃ×Ô¼ºµÄÁ½ÌõÍÈ!²»ÒªÈñðÈË°ÑÄã̧µ½¸ß´¦;²»Òª×øÔÚ±ðÈ˵ı³ÉϺÍÍ·ÉÏ¡£

¡¡¡¡14) Everyone makes mistakes If you can't forgive others, don't expect others to forgive youÿ¸öÈ˶¼»á·¸´íÎó£¬Èç¹ûÄã²»Ô­Á±ðÈË£¬¾Í±ðÖ¸Íû±ðÈË»áÔ­ÁÂÄã¡£

¡¡¡¡15) It seems to be essential for our emotional well-being to not look back in anger and to focus on the positive when we are olderËæ×ÅÄêÁäµÄÔö³¤£¬²»Òª¾À²øÓÚ¹ýÈ¥²»Óä¿ìµÄÊ£¬¶ø¸ü¶à¹Ø×¢»ý¼«ÕýÃæµÄ¶«Î÷£¬Õâ¶ÔÓÚÒ»¸öÈ˵ÄÇéÐ÷½¡¿µÊÇÖÁ¹ØÖØÒªµÄ¡£


¡¡¡¡1) Be sure that you have never had any regrets in your life which only lasts for a few decades Laugh or cry as you like, and it’s meaningless to oppress yourselfÈËÉú¶Ì¶Ì¼¸Ê®Ä꣬²»Òª¸ø×Ô¼ºÁôÏÂÁËʲôÒź¶£¬ÏëЦ¾ÍЦ£¬Ïë¿Þ¾Í¿Þ£¬¸Ã°®µÄʱºò¾ÍÈ¥°®£¬ÎÞνѹÒÖ×Ô¼º¡£

¡¡¡¡2) Don't hurry, don't worry You're only here for a short visit So be sure to stop and smell the flowers²»Òª´Ò棬²»Òª·³ÄÕ¡£ÄãÖ»ÊÇÔÚÕâ¶ÌÕ¾×÷¿Í¶øÒÑ£¬ËùÒÔÎñ±ØҪͣÏÂÀ´ÎÅÎÅÏÊ»¨µÄ·¼Ïã¡£

¡¡¡¡3) Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant²»ÒªÎÊ×Ô¼ºÊÕ»ñÁ˶àÉÙ¹ûʵ£¬¶øÊÇÒªÎÊ×Ô¼º½ñÌì²¥ÖÖÁ˶àÉÙÖÖ×Ó¡£

¡¡¡¡4) A great life is the result of using the / you get in a creative and thoughtful way, instead of just what comes nextʵÏÖ¾«²ÊÈËÉú£¬ÄãÒªÖÜÏê¶ø¸»Óд´ÒâµØÓúÃÿÖÜÌ죬ÿÌìСʱµÄʱ¼ä£¬¶ø²»ÊÇ×öÒ»ÌìºÍÉÐײһÌìÖÓ

¡¡¡¡5) A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference¶àÌåÁÂһϱðÈË£¬¶àΪ±ðÈË¿¼ÂÇÒ»µã£¬Äǽ«ÈÃÒ»ÇнØÈ»²»Í¬¡£

¡¡¡¡6) You keep to struggle to and fro and find it difficult to stand on the top since you can not locate the balance pointÀ´À´»Ø»ØÕõÔúÐí¶à´Î£¬Äã·¢ÏÖÒªÕ¾ÉϸߵãÊǶàôµÄÀ§ÄÑ£¬ÒòΪÄãʼÖÕÕÒ²»µ½Æ½ºâµã¡£

¡¡¡¡7) If you wanna reach the top point, you have another choice, that is, letting someone stand at the bottom to support youHe/she may be your family, your sweetheart, or even the opponent once defeated by youÈç¹ûÄãÏëÒªÕ¾Õ¾¸ß´¦£¬»¹ÓÐÁíÒ»ÖÖ°ì·¨£º¾ÍÊÇÓÐÈËÔÚõÎõΰåµÄµÍ´¦Ö§³Å×ÅÄ㣬ҲÐíÊǼÒÈË£¬ÊÇ°®ÈË£¬»òÊDZ»Äã¸ÉµôµÄµÐÈË¡£

¡¡¡¡8) Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine lifeÈËÉúÊÇÃÀºÃµÄ£¬µ«ÒªÑ§»áÈçºÎÏíÓÃÃÀºÃµÄÉú»î¡£

¡¡¡¡9) Life is but a hard and tortuous journeyÈËÉú¼´ÊÇÒ»¶Î¼èÄÑÇúÕÛµÄÂọ́¬ÈËÉúÎÞ̹;¡£

¡¡¡¡10) Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides youÈËÉúÏñһƥÂí£¬Äã²»¼ÝÔ¦Ëü,Ëü±ã¼ÝÔ¦Äã¡£

¡¡¡¡11) Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you canÈËÉúÊÇÒ»·ù´ó»­²¼£¬ÄãÓ¦¸ÃŬÁ¦»æ³öѤÀö¶à²ÊµÄ»­Ãæ¡£

¡¡¡¡12) Life is like musicIt must be composed by ear, feeling and instinct, not by ruleÈËÉúÈçÒ»Ê×ÀÖÇú£¬ÒªÓÃÀָУ¬¸ÐÇéºÍÖ±¾õÈ¥Æ×д£¬²»ÄÜÖ»°´ÀÖÂÉÐÐÊ¡£

¡¡¡¡13) Life is painting a picture, not doing a sumÉú»îÊǻ滭£¬²»ÊÇ×öËãÊõ¡£

¡¡¡¡14) The wealth of the mind is the only wealth¾«ÉñµÄ²Æ¸»ÊÇΨһµÄ²Æ¸»¡£

¡¡¡¡15) You can't judge a tree by its barkÈ˲»¿ÉòÏà¡£

¡¡¡¡16) Sharp tools make good work¹¤ÓûÉÆÆäÊ£¬±ØÏÈÀûÆäÆ÷¡£

¡¡¡¡17) Wasting time is robbing oneselfÀË·Ñʱ¼ä¾ÍÊÇÂÓ¶á×Ô¼º¡£

¡¡¡¡18) Nurture passes nature½ÌÑøʤ¹ýÌìÐÔ¡£

¡¡¡¡19) There is no garden without its weedsûÓв»³¤ÔӲݵĻ¨Ô°¡£

¡¡¡¡20) A man is only as good as what he lovesÒ»¸öÈËÒªÓÃËûËù°®µÄ¶«Î÷ÓжàºÃÀ´ºâÁ¿¡£

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