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2022-11-14 13:00:01   作者:美清



  Are you the wife of the God?

  New York city: It's a cold day in December. A little boy about 10-year-old was standing in front of a shoe store on Broadway, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold. A lady approached the boy and said:"My little fellow, why are you looking so earnestly in that window?"

  "I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes." The boy replied.

  The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel. The clerk quickly brought them to her. She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel. By this time the clerk had returned with the socks. Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she then purchased him a pair of shoes, and tying up the remaining pairs of socks, gave them to the boy. She patted him on the head and said:"No doubt, my little fellow, you feel more comfortable mow?"

  As she turned to go, the astonished lad caught her by the hand, and looking up in her face, with tears in his eyes, answered the question with these words:"Are you God's wife?"







  A lion once fell in love with a beautiful girl, so he went to her parents and asked them to marry her to him.

  The old parents did not know what to say.

  They did not like the idea of giving their daughter to the lion, but they did not want to enrage the king of beasts.

  At last the father said, "We are glad to marry our daughter to you, but we fear that you might possibly hurt her. So if you remove your claws and teeth, we will give her to you."

  The lion loved the girl very much, so he trimmed his claws and took out his big teeth. When he came to the parents again, they simply laughed in his face, and beat him out of their house.





  寓意: 有些人轻易相信别人的话,抛弃自己的长处,结果轻而易举地被原来害怕他们的人击败了。


  An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws.

  “You’ve got so many freckles, there’s no place to paint!” a girl in the line said to the little fellow.

  Embarrassed, the little boy dropped his head. His grandmother knelt down next to him. “I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles,” she said, while tracing her finger across the child’s cheek. “Freckles are beautiful.”

  The boy looked up, “Really?”

  “Of course,” said the grandmother. “Why just name me one thing that’s prettier than freckles.”

  The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his grandma’s face, and softly whispered, “Wrinkles.”







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