2023-07-29 03:00:59 作者:星辰美文网
问题一:"给予肯定" 英文怎么说 give recognition 给与肯定
gain recognition 得到肯定
问题二:肯定英语怎么说 sure
of course
问题三:那是肯定的隐拦用英语怎么说 absolutely一般口语用的比较多,肯定语气较强。
i'm sure
Of course
问题四:英文怎么翻译,至少小编得到了你的肯定? At least I met your approbation.
approbation 赞许,认可
meet *** 's approbation 得到某人的肯定
问题五:肯定成搭虚绩的英文怎么说 肯定成绩
[词典] affirm the achievements;
aware that we face unprecedented difficulties and challenges.
问题六:"小编可以肯定地说..."用英语怎么说? i can firmly tell you that...
问题七:要得到别人的肯定英语怎么说 To get someone's sure, I need to make great efforts one time
问题八:是的!小编非常肯定!英文怎么说? 如果单纯的翻译这句话 那么就是 如果有上下文 那可以说的口语化一些 例如(Sure !! I swear it.)(当然啦 小编发誓)
问题九:"受到肯灶枝胡定"的英文怎么说? Something has been positively recognized by SOMEBODY
问题十:得到XX的肯定 英语翻译 得到某人的认可
Get someone's approval
get one's recognition
肯定 must
看语境,可以用:confirm, agree, approve 等等
肯定:族举 Yes.肯定胡穗扮回答
convience 表示确信
of course 当然裤灶
sure 肯定
Right 正确的
ertalntv and doubt 不确定桥镇扰和杯疑 ...be suredanci ...to be safe from... 没有受...袭击的危险 to be sure of 肯定,肯定能得到 to be worn outaffirm通行心绪学常谈及肯定(Affirmine)、自语(Self-tingk),其基础观念是自尊自信。短语肯定旅仿命题 [数] affirmative proposition; [数] assertoric propositions; [数] affirmative propsitoin
小编敏旦肯定I bet;I'm sure;i am sure of it
肯定不nowhere near;no way;Sure not